American Studies in Bamberg

Black and white photography of the American poet Walt Whitman
Farbiges Portrait der afro-amerikanischen Autorin Toni Morrison
Der amerikanische Autor Ernest Hemingway in einem Ruderboot auf dem Wasser
Portr?it der US-amerikanischen Lyrikerin Emily Dickinson an einem Tisch sitzend aus dem 19. Jahrhundert
Die Autorin Susan Sontag vor st?dtischem Monument mit M?dchen im Arm
Schwarz-wei? Portr?t der am US-amerikanischen Philosophin Judith Butler, Frau mit Kurzhaarschnitt

At the American Studies section in Bamberg, we study American literature and culture from the colonial era to the present. Our research and teaching engages with a variety of literary genres and expressions of popular culture, paying attention to dominant and subversive perspectives and to different ethnic, social and political voices in their dynamic interaction. Always interdisciplinary in outlook, our work combines detailed textual analyses with perspectives from a broad range of fields, including history, the social sciences, gender studies, ethnic studies and environmental studies. We are particularly interested in the dynamics of literary and historical change, the emancipatory potential of American culture, and the transatlantic interactions between American and European cultures.

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Mailing address: Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg, Professur für Amerikanistik, D-96045 Bamberg

Offices: An der Universit?t 9, Rooms 00.01 and 00.02 / An der Universit?t 7, Room 01.03

For individual phone numbers, office hours, and staff contact information please click the names under Team or Administration, left sidebar.

Please find us on facebook for further information: