Regulations and Documents

Regulations of the study programme

The formal framework for the study programme in the Bachelor's degree programme International Information Systems Management is provided by the following documents:

  • The General Examination Regulations (APO) of the faculty.
  • The study and subject examination regulations (StuFPO) for the course. The study and subject examination regulations define the credit points (ECTS points) to be earned in the module groups. Furthermore, these regulations regulate which courses can be attended within the individual module groups. Detailed descriptions of the individual referenced modules can be found in the module handbook for the degree programme.
  • The module handbook for the course. The individual courses are described in detail here.

Module manuals and module tables

Module manual
The credit points (ECTS points) to be achieved in the individual module groups are defined in the subject examination regulations. The “Overview by module group” in the module manual (the so-called module table) regulates the modules with which these credit points can be achieved. The module manual also contains the descriptions of the individual modules described in the module table, including Short name, learning objectives, content requirements and type of examination.

  • current version

    Module manual incl. Module table

    Please note that you should select the module handbook in accordance with your study and examination regulations / start of studies.

Sample study plan

A sample study plan can be found in the current brochures for the first semester introduction days under the section Recommended curriculum.

First semester introductory brochures

Please note: These curriculum plans are only to be regarded as suggestions and in no way binding. The responsible academic advisor will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

First-semester introductory brochures

The current version and older versions of the first semester introductory brochure for the B.Sc. IISM can be found on the website of the WIAI student council.