Student testimonials

The professional management of employees is a central strategic success factor, which is why human resource management is becoming increasingly important in companies.

In our teaching programme we combine well-established HR approaches with the most modern and up-to-date scientific findings. Current questions of human resource management in corporate practice are analyzed with business and psychological theories and models and interactively discussed with students. In this way, you as a student will not only acquire in-depth specialist knowledge in the field of Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour, but also develop important key competences in order to be able to transfer the acquired knowledge to specific tasks in an organisation.

In order to continuously adapt the courses to your needs as a student, you are always encouraged to provide us with feedback. Get an overview of our modules and their content here and gather impressions of how students as well as alumni have perceived the teaching of the Chair of Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour through testimonials.

We look forward to welcoming you in our courses!


Fundamentals of Human Resource Management (German)

Maximilian Berndl, Bachelor Business Adminstration, Winter term 22/23

"The module "Fundamentals of Human Resource Management" is ideally suited as an introduction to the degree programme. You don't need a lot of prior knowledge, as the objectives of the course are clearly defined and the content is structured logically and comprehensibly. The theory is supported by the lecturer with practical examples, which not only makes the lecture more interesting and clearer, but is also very helpful for understanding. An exercise is offered for the lecture, which is very well coordinated with the course. I personally also find the offer to work on a topic from the lecture in small groups and to present it in the exercise super, as this allows you to practise working in a group and presenting in front of several people. In general, the exercise was very interesting because there was always time for free discussions and stories from the working world. The exercise also prepared the students very well for the examination, especially since the difficulty of the exercise and examination tasks were quite similar. In addition, a practical lecture on the topic of "fluid work" was organised, which brought variety into the lecture and provided an insight into the working world. All in all, I would recommend the module "Fundamentals of Human Resource Management". Sooner or later, all of us students will be confronted with the topic of "personnel management" in the working world and then it is very useful to already have knowledge in this area - be it in the area of personnel recruitment, personnel management or also personnel release." (Translated from German)

Jule Votteler, Bachelor International Business Adminstration, Winter term 21/22

"In the winter semester of 2021/22, I attended the module Fundamentals of Human Resource Management as part of my IBWL studies. It offers students the opportunity to learn all the necessary basic knowledge about personnel management in organisations. The lecture follows a clear and sensible structure, which makes the individual focal points apparent. The lecturers explained the topics well and in a comprehensible manner, and the students' interest was aroused above all through everyday examples. During the lecture, all questions were patiently answered and, if there was enough time, breakout rooms were used to make the course more interactive. Even outside of lecture time, the lecturers were always available for questions via email or Microsoft Teams. Overall, I got to know them as very committed.

In summary, I can say that the course content, the pace of work and the level of difficulty are completely appropriate for an introductory course.

Consequently, I can recommend the Fundamentals of Human Resource Management module to other students. It is not only very interesting, but also takes place in a pleasant learning environment." (Translated from German)

Diversity Management (German)

Selin Smrdelj, Bachelor Business Administration, Winter term 22/23

"I attended the Diversity Management module in the winter semester 2022/2023. In the first weeks of the course, the basic contents and the goals of the module were very well illustrated. The students' questions were always answered, which often led to exciting discussions.
In the following weeks, presentations were given by the students themselves. We had the opportunity to choose from various interesting topics. Based on this, we were free to choose our research question and thus dealt with the area that aroused the most interest. Ms. Ngo supported us and helped us with any questions we had.
Both the lectures with interactive parts by Prof. Dr. Andresen and the students as well as the preparation of my own presentation and term paper offered me an interesting new insight into the topic of diversity in relation to organisations. If there is a curiosity about the topic, I can highly recommend taking the module." (Translated from German)

N.N., Bachelor Business Administration, Winter term 22/23

"In the winter semester 22/23, I attended the Diversity Management module. The seminar held by Ms Andresen was varied and exciting. Using numerous practical examples and stories from everyday life, the lecturer lightened up the event and created an open and pleasant atmosphere. Through critical questioning, exciting discussions were opened up, which allowed for the most diverse perspectives on the topic. It was particularly noticeable how relevant the topic of diversity is not only in our everyday lives, but also on a corporate level. Every hour, a different dimension of diversity, which had been worked out by students beforehand, was presented and internalised in an application-oriented way. The preparation of the paper was intensively supervised with weekly counselling sessions, which clarified questions and provided tips for the preparation. With the help of separate lectures on scientific work, the requirements of the chair were clearly defined and accordingly also fairly assessed. The chair was always available for questions and emails were answered quickly. Overall, the module was a lot of fun and also gave me a lot for the future, which is why I am happy to recommend it to my fellow students." (Translated from German)

Emil Stasch, Bachelor International Business Administration, Winter term 21/22

"My fellow students and I were given the opportunity to analyse the four dimensions of diversity more closely in the winter semester 21/22 in the seminar "Diversity Management". In my opinion, it's not an easy topic, but it's a very interesting one, because it relates very well to current developments in companies and in society. The individual seminar lessons were very well prepared, so that in each lesson we got to know the individual aspects of diversity management such as age, gender, function or nationality. Thanks to the content taught by the lecturers on scientific work, we were then well prepared for writing a term paper. The assignment requirements were formulated clearly and precisely, which helped to avoid misunderstandings. Through the regular exchange with the lecturers, it was possible for the students to clarify open questions at an early stage. In the later discussion rounds with fellow students, what they had learned could be consolidated and deepened. Overall, the seminar contributed to strengthening the understanding of the individual diversity dimensions, which is why I would like to recommend the seminar to my fellow students." (Translated from German)

Wiebke Wentzler, Bachelor Business Administration, Winter term 21/22

"In the winter semester of 2021/2022, I attended the seminar "Diversity Management" at the Chair of Business Administration, in particular Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour. In a small group of students, we were slowly introduced to the procedure of writing a scientific paper. The working atmosphere was very pleasant. The lecturers were available at all times, took time for detailed feedback and were committed to each person's issues. The switch from face-to-face teaching to an online format due to the pandemic situation, went smoothly and did not diminish the teaching quality at all - on the contrary, it encouraged the group lectures during the seminar to be even more interactive. Due to the small group size, it was possible to participate in a frequent manner. At the end of the semester, I left the course knowing that I had learned a lot of new things and had gained a good understanding of the importance of diversity efforts in companies. The module is of high value for personal development against the background of current developments. Not only on social media, but also in the university environment, as well as in professional life, diversity already has a high value and will especially gain importance in the future." (Translated from German)


Change Management

Julia Okker, Master Business Administration, Winter term 21/22

"Discussing barriers and resistance towards change as well as the role of HR during change in an international environment was an extremely interesting experience. By taking a deeper look at the transformation in a single company, we were able to apply the concepts of the course directly in a case study. Since change happens in every company, this is an inevitable and important topic. The course followed a clear structure and Prof. Dr. Andersen was easily accessible via email. He spoke freely, was clearly prepared and enriched the course with his own personal experience while he worked in an international environment and went through different kind of change processes. Learning theoretical models is usually not very exciting, but the combination of learning these models and hearing “real life stories” as well as applying these theoretical models to the cases presented by the instructor, Prof. Dr. Andersen increased my interest in the course content tremendously!"

International Dimensions of Human Resource Management

Amelie Sander, summer term 2024

International Dimensions of Human Resource Management explores the complexities of managing human resources in an international context, covering a range of topics essential for understanding global HR practices. We explored key aspects of IHRM, including the influence of national cultures, strategic HRM in Multi-National Corporations, and the challenges of transferring HR practices across borders.

What stood out most was the course's strong focus on practical application. We were consistently encouraged to apply the theoretical concepts we learned to real-world situations and talked a lot about practical examples. This emphasis on practice ensured that the knowledge gained wasn't just theoretical but also highly applicable in real-life HR scenarios. This approach led to a deeper, more sustainable understanding of how HR practices vary across different cultural and organizational contexts.

The Future of Work

Elena Gimber, Winter term 2023/24

The seminar “The Future of Work” focuses on managing a fluid workforce and explores the evolving role of freelancers. Weekly presentations and in-depth discussions provided valuable insights into these issues, which we later expanded upon in a term paper.

The seminar was well supported by the lecturers, who were always available for questions and guidance. In addition, we received two rounds of feedback on our presentations, which contributed greatly to our improvement and personal growth. So the learning curve was huge.

The expectations were high, but achievable with the right amount of effort. I would recommend this module as you learn and take away a lot in both theory and practice.

Research Seminar Human Resource Management (German)

Markus Lin?, Master Business Administration, Winter term 21/22

"The courses offered by the Chair of Business Administration, in particular Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour, at the Otto Friedrich University of Bamberg are a clear recommendation for all Master's students who are interested in dealing with human resources in an organisational context and want to deepen their knowledge in this area. The range of modules is impressive due to the high-quality transfer of knowledge of theoretical basics as well as their application to practice-relevant topics. The pace of work and level of difficulty are appropriate, so that there are no problems in understanding everything. The linking of theory and practice within the framework of specially designed case study analyses as well as the preoccupation with exciting HR trends create the desired connection to reality and stimulate critical thinking. Dedicated lecturers are on hand to answer any questions students may have and provide competent support. Those who work carefully and can motivate themselves to actively engage with the course content will achieve successful results." (Translated from German)

Leadership and Management Development

Isabel Lin?, Master Business Administration, Winter term 21/22

"The courses and learning contents of the Chair of Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour are demanding, but at the same time offer students the chance to surpass themselves and to achieve very good final results with a lot of diligence. In addition, students are given the opportunity to acquire a broad knowledge of interesting, current as well as exciting topics, also with practical relevance. Moreover, the targeted deepening of the contents worked on in the courses leads to a better basic understanding of the topics taught. If questions arise about the course content, the lecturers are always available to their students by e-mail and provide constructive feedback." (Translated from German)

Luisa Bier, Master Business Administration, Winter term 21/22

"Since I have chosen Human Resource Management as one of my majors, I have already gained experience with the courses offered by the department. I would particularly recommend the Leadership and Management Development module. The lecturer did a great job. He managed to arouse my interest in the course content with his engaging manner. The learning atmosphere was always very pleasant. I particularly liked the fact that the seminar combined theory and current topics. All in all, I would really recommend any module taught by the professor."