Deanery Human Sciences and Education

Faculty Dean and Deanery

Faculty Dean

Prof. Dr. Claus H. Carstensen

Term in office: October 1, 2023 - September 30, 2025

Phone: +49 951 863-1801
Room: M3/01.14

Email: dekan.huwi(at)

Consultation by appointment


Prof. Dr. Yvonne Anders

Term in office: October 1, 2023 - September 30, 2025

Phone: +49 951 863-1818
Room: LS5/01.03

Email: prodekan.huwi(at)

Dean of Studies

Prof. Dr. Julia Franz

Term in office: April 1, 2021 - March 31, 2024

Phone: 0951/863-1807
Room: M3/00.05

Email: studiendekanat.huwi(at)


Faculty Advisor

Annelie Barg

Phone: +49 951 863-1801
Room: M3/01.14


Kristian Stüven

Phone: 0951/863-1688
Room: M3/01.13

Email: dekanat.huwi(at)


Nicole Schmidt

Phone: +49 951 863-1802
Room: M3/01.14

Email: dekanatssekretariat.huwi(at)

Visitor's Address

Dean's office:

Markusplatz 3 ("Marcushaus")
M3/01.14 (1st floor, room 114)
96047 Bamberg