Labour studies explores all dimensions of human work.

In our Work Futures Lab, we foster students' media skills and test innovative teaching and learning experiences for the digital transformation.

We facilitate the transfer of occupational science findings to the public and research communities through conferences, publications, and collaborations with companies and educational institutions.

Welcome to the Chair of Labour Studies!

Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. habil. Olaf Struck

Labour studies, as a practical, interdisciplinary, and international field, explores the following areas of research and teaching:

  • Individual life courses, skills and motivations: The study of individual work and learning trajectories, as well as decision-making within the societal context.
  • Organisational and Human Resource Management: The study and design of work deployment, qualifications, and motivation, taking into account economic, technical and health-related conditions.
  • Ergonomics: The study and design of safe working conditions that consider physical, psychological, social, and technical factors.
  • Labor market, occupation and vocational training: Examining the interplay between individual and collective goals and the frameworks of institutions and organisations.
  • Economy and society: The analysis of interactions between economic and social actions in an international comparison.
  • Technology: The study of new digital technologies and their impact on the world of work.