Current courses

Wintersession 2024/2025

Advanced topics in the sociology of migration: Controversies in migration and integration research

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Yuliya Kosyakova
The course takes place in presence (F21/03.02)
Start: friday, 18.10.2024, from 12:00-14:00 pm

  • Syllabus(189.1 KB)
  • Course materials will be made available on the Virtual Campus (VC) of the University of Bamberg.


Ethnic inequality: Controversies in migration and integration research

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Yuliya Kosyakova
The course takes place in presence (F21/03.02)
Start: friday, 18.10.2024, from 12:00-14:00 pm

  • Syllabus(189.1 KB)
  • Course materials will be made available on the Virtual Campus (VC) of the University of Bamberg.

Research on migration and integration: Controversies in migration and integration research

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Yuliya Kosyakova
The course takes place in presence (F21/03.02)
Start: friday, 18.10.2024, from 12:00-14:00 pm

  • Syllabus(189.1 KB)
  • Course materials will be made available on the Virtual Campus (VC) of the University of Bamberg.

Theory and Politics of European Economic Integration

Lecturer: Dr. Ehsan Vallizadeh
The lecture takes place in presence (F21/02.55)
Start: monday, 14.10.2024, from 10:00-14:00 h 

  • Syllabus
  • Lecture materials will be made available on the Virtual Campus (VC) of the University of Bamberg.