Travelling to Bamberg

By plane

While Bamberg itself only has a smaller airfield, there are three international airports around Bamberg that can be reached conveniently.

Arrival at Nuremberg
You need to look for the U-Bahn, the Nuremberg underground operated by VGN. Trains leave approximately every 10 mins and you need to take a train to Nürnberg Hauptbahnhof (main train station). There, you take any regional train to Bamberg.

Tickets for going to Bamberg can be purchased online in advance or at Nuremberg airport. At the ticket machines provided by VGN you can get a ticket to Bamberg and need not buy another one at the main train station. Please note that with such a ticket, you can only use local and regional (S/RB/RE) trains, no high speed (IC/ICE) trains.

Since the public busses are also operated by this company, you can get a ticket to the bus stop closest to your hotel or at Nuremberg airport. Please check their website for more information.

In total, you will take approx. 60 to 70 mins to get to Bamberg from Nuremberg airport.

Arrival at Frankfurt
Depending on the terminal you arrive at, you need to find the train station Frankfurt Flughafen, which is serviced by Deutsche Bahn (DB). There you can take get your ticket for the entire journey from the ticket machines operated by DB.

To get to Bamberg, you will have to change either at Frankfurt main train station and take a direct train to Bamberg or at Würzburg, from where you will take a regional train (RB/RE) to Bamberg.

Depending on whether or not you have to change at Würzburg, the journey to Bamberg takes between 2h 30 mins and 3h.

Arrival at Munich
You need to take a local train (S-Bahn) first to get to Munich main train station.

The S-Bahn stop at Munich airport is located in front of the terminals (ca. 5 mins on foot). Trains go approximately every 15 mins. When you arrive at München Hauptbahnhof (main train station), you can either take a direct train to Bamberg or you need to change at Nuremberg, depending on the connection.

Ticktes for going to Bamberg can already be purchased at Munich ariport. At the ticket machines provided by DB (Deutsche Bahn) you can get a ticket for the entire journey.

Depending on the train connection at Munich main train station, you will take between 2h 30mins and 3h 30mins to get to Bamberg.

By train

Bamberg is connected to the German high-speed train system. To plan your journey, please check the website of the German rail company, Deutsche Bahn. Once you arrive at Bamberg train station, you can either walk to your hotel or take a taxi or take one of the public busses operated by VAG/VGN. Please check their website to find out more about bus connections.

By car

If you travel by car coming from the north or the south, you need to follow the autobahn A73 and leave at exit Bamberg Ost.

If you travel from the east or the west, please follow autobahn A70 and leave at exit Bamberg Hafen/Zentrum.

Please follow directions for city center (Zentrum) or university (Universit?t Innenstadt). Note that due to the Mediaeval layout of the city center, only very few parking spaces are available outside of parking garages.

Getting around in Bamberg

To get around in Bamberg, you can either buy day tickets or tickets for individual journeys.

The website of the bus company in Bamberg (VAG) helps you plan your journey from one point to another. You could also take a scenic bus tour of Bamberg with bus number 910.

Most points of interest are within walking distance, however.