FAQ Consultations

On this page you will find general information about BACES consultations. If this does not answer your questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

  • For a consultation, we need a fully completed application form. Especially the indication of your supervisor and your subject area are important. We also need to make sure that the supervisor is informed about contacting BACES and agrees to a consultation. Provided you provide us with this information, we will process your request.
  • Within about 10 days, a contact person from us will get in touch with you and make an appointment with you.

  • We help to clarify existing questions about statistical evaluations.
  • We help with study planning (study design, questionnaire design, planning of the evaluation, advice on secondary statistical surveys).
  • We help with the interpretation of statistical evaluations.
  • We do not undertake the evaluation of qualification theses.
  • We do not assume authorship. We do, however, provide literature references to support our assessment.

  • In principle, we advise all members of the Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg (students, staff and professors).
  • Free counselling is only available for students, employees and professors of the university.
  • Depending on the workload and capacity, we offer counselling for external interested parties for a fee. For this purpose, we will submit a written offer to you in which our hourly rates (different for student employees, academic employees without a doctorate, academic employees with a doctorate, professors) and the scope of services are specified. The costs are comparable to those of commercial providers.

  • It is best to bring formulated questions.
  • Two (or even more) published studies from high-ranking journals (from the perspective of your discipline) that have at least a comparable experimental design. Note that it is about a comparable experimental set-up or study design, not necessarily a similar substantive question. Also bring your questions about these articles to the consultation.
  • Documents on their previous study design (questionnaires, experimental design, etc.).
  • Previous evaluations, possibly also your data and, if you wish, your laptop.

  • Overall, counselling appointments last about an hour.
  • We need the first 10-20 minutes to clarify the research project. In doing so, we try to understand (independently of evaluations that have already been completed) what the hypotheses are that need to be tested with the help of statistical methods.
  • We spend the remaining time clarifying the questions or planning the study.
  • There may always be a need for follow-up work. This means that the counselling is interrupted at certain points and you are given a new appointment with "homework".
  • It is always possible that we do not know certain methods or that we have to discuss them internally with other counsellors. Typically, a new appointment is then made.