Admission and enrollment for the MA program in Turkology at Bamberg university

  • Turkish: a total of 30 ECTS of Turkish classes that were finished successfully (if you don?t meet this last requirement, you can instead take our Turkish exam at Bamberg).
  • 45 ECTS worth of courses in Oriental Studies




If you have proof of CEFR B1, you can apply for a semester- or year-long German language course at Bamberg university which will prepare you for the B2 German exam. (Tuition fee: currently 450 Euros per semester). After passing that exam, you will be able to apply for the Turcology program. More information can be found here: /studium/interesse/bewerben/bewerbung-fuer-einen-masterstudiengang/bewerbungsunterlagen/formale-anforderungen/nachweis-von-deutschkenntnissen/

(In German only, look for ?Bewerbung für den DSH-Semesterkurs“).

A BA in a similar field (humanities, social sciences, oriental studies) and additional documents that vary according to your country of graduation or origin. A comprehensive list of the documents, listed according to countries of origin, can be found here:

<link en studies non-exchange-students-masters-degree required-application-documents>

Yes, in that case you will have to produce the BA certificate in order to enroll.

Online at <link en studies non-exchange-students-masters-degree application-process>

After finishing the online application, you will need to mail hard copies of your application documents.

Yes, but please consider that you will need to translate Turkish into German here, which is a thing very different from simply knowing and understanding Turkish. We will probably ask you to prove your translation skills in our Turkish exam at the beginning of your studies here.

Yes. If your transcript is written in a language other than German or English, you will need to provide certified translated copies of the necessary documents.

Scholarships in Germany are granted not by universities, but by charitable foundations and government agencies. You can check the university's site for scholarships matching your profile, but in general, it is very hard to get scholarships for MA studies (for PhD studies, it is much easier).

Yes! Health insurance is mandatory and quite affordable in Germany. As a foreign student coming in for the first time, you can choose between private and public health insurance. You will have to prove that you are insured in order to get enrolled. Some people had bad experiences with ?cheap“ private insurance, so we strongly suggest you sign up for public health insurance (?Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung“, such as AOK, TK…). Primes for students are very reasonable.